At Maundee Petroleum we are committed to empowering other companies through our Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Procurement Policy. Maundee Consultants is a 100% empowered Black company and intends using BBBEE approved dealers and is committed to supporting historically disadvantaged suppliers. Any purchase or spend with the company will therefore have positive empowerment effect, and will qualify as BBBEE expenditure for the purpose of BBBEE reporting. A transaction with Maundee Consultants and its subsidiary Maundee Petroleum brings peace of mind in the knowledge that the other
companies’ procurement is fully BBBEE compliant.
About us - Maundee Consultants
Vision, mission statement and values
- Our vision is to become a pre-eminent fuel supplier in the Sub Saharan African Region
- Maundee Consultants and its subsidiary Maundee Petroleum will provide only the best quality branded petroleum products which are uplifted directly from the national grid depots at affordable prices and strive to surprise the clients with unrivalled service.
We believe:
- All people are worthy of trust until proven otherwise.
- The first rule of money is, “People first.”
- Integrity of intention, word and deed are paramount to instilling customer confidence.
- Mutual respect is the fuel that feeds lasting business relationships.
We have the following three main aims:
- To offer solutions based on market demand.
- To ensure that all of our solutions are based on sound mutual economic justifications.
- All recommended solutions must exceed environmental standards because it adds long-term sustainable economic value.
Commitment to the “Charter”
Maundee Consultants and its subsidiary Maundee Petroleum have fully embraced the objectives of the “Petroleum Charter” and the “Petroleum Products Amendment Act of 2003” which form the cornerstone and driving force behind our business; with particular reference to the following:
- Promoting an efficient manufacturing, wholesaling and retailing petroleum industry.
- Facilitating an environment conducive to efficient and commercially justifiable investment.
- The creation of employment opportunities and the development of small businesses in the petroleum sector.
- Ensuring countrywide availability of petroleum products at DoE regulated prices.
- Promoting access to affordable petroleum products by low-income consumers for household use esp. on LPGas products and Propane.